– Frequently asked questions can be found here
What is Camlocus and how does it work ?
Camlocus is Whitelabel Cloud Video Surveillance Platform, where you can connect any camera, 3rd party app, use your own domain and logo and monitor all cameras at once.
Does it work on iPhone or Android devices ?
Yes, it works as PWA. Just login to camlocus account with your mobile device web browser, for example: Safari on iPhone, then click Share button, scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen. Click it and you will be able to access camlocus from your Home Screen.
How to start monitoring my camera ?
On any platform you can use ffmpeg to start uploading the stream. For example, in windows, create .bat file and put it in startup location as a shortcut: C:\Users\MyUser123\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Sample: stream-123.bat :loop .\ffmpeg.exe -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://admin:mycampass@" -pix_fmt yuvj420p -x264-params keyint=48:min-keyint=48:scenecut=-1 -ar 44100 -acodec aac -vcodec libx264 -preset veryfast -crf 32 -threads 4 -f flv rtmps://aa.zz.yy.xx/hls/key timeout /t 5 goto loop You need to know your camera’s IP address, password, RTSP url. Example above is for hikvision cameras. RTMPS url is generated in camlocus platform for each camera individually, once you create one. If you are using Blue Iris, you can easily input RTMPS url there: Camera Settings -> Webcast -> Flash Media Live Encoding -> Enable
How to find any other technical information how to use advanced features ?
Please visit Manual page (link to manual) for more information.
How many days my video is stored in the cloud ?
It depends on video quality you choose and if 24/7 recording is enabled. Also camera quantity. With standard settings and 800GB plan you can store 30 days with 4-8 cameras. The more optimised settings you choose, the longer you can store your videos. For example, motion videos only at 720p.
Why AV1 encoding is supported in Corporate plan only ?
AV1 encoding requires latest generation Nvidia cards. If you choose to host with us, we can prepare HP Enterprise server with the latest Nvidia GPU and SSD/HDD Raid options.
What is the recommended setup to run Camlocus ?
The most efficient way is to run Blue Iris on your Windows PC. Recommended 9th gen Intel CPU + any Nvidia card (At least RTX 2XXX series +). You can then connect localy all your cameras and activate Code Project AI for accurate motion detection. After that, enable RTMPS streaming and motion video upload via FTPS. Camlocus will be used for live preview and motion video preview. More on that on Manual page (link to manual).
Do I have to use virtual cloud adapter ?
No, you can use blue iris for live streaming and motion detection. Ffmpeg can be used for better live streaming quality and reconvertion(will save more space and bandwidth). Virtual cloud adapter can be installed on Linux for live video streaming. This is usefull if you have 2 or more virtual machines which has access to different lan cards and subnets.
Is it secure to use Camlocus ?
Yes, video is transmitted over RTMPS and FTPS and can be used behind firewall. No port forwarding is needed. Video is stored in remote data centers which maintain high security standards.
If internet connection fails, where is my data stored ?
If you are using blue iris, all motion videos will be stored localy until internet connection is restored.
Does it work if camera is using mobile limited data on 3G/4G/5G network ?
Yes, lot of customers using their cameras on remote location with limited bandwidth. You can configure your camera to use lower bitrate, ffmpeg to compress video on the fly or blue iris to upload motion video files only. Also, camlocus supports image uploads as well.